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Big-Tech & Govt. Collusion Proof. We are posting the links to copies of these documents on due to the fact that Fakebook will not allow us to post the original links from the article or the article itself in the description of our podcast This page is our way of bypassing that censorship. Since we know that we can post links to our site. we’ve simply uploaded the original documents as available in the original article titled Over 50 Biden Administration Employees, 12 US Agencies Involved in Social Media Censorship Push: Documents from the epoch times

Big-Tech & Govt Collusion Proof Epoch Times Article Screenshot
Big-Tech & Govt Collusion Proof Epoch Times Article Screenshot

It should be noted we briefly covered this article on episode 21 of Tips, Techniques & Survival Traits

For context on these documents relating to Big-Tech & Govt. Collusion. I have included the first paragraph from the Epoch Times article below

More than 50 officials in President Joe Biden’s administration across a dozen agencies have been involved with efforts to pressure Big Tech companies to crack down on alleged misinformation, according to documents released on Aug. 31.

Stephen Phillips
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