Covid-19 Hospitalizations in vaccinated individuals account for 60% of all Covid-19 Hospitalizations. According to a new study by D.O.D. contractor Humetrix and the Department Of Defense’s Joint Artificial Intelligence Center.

(Editors Note: Article Updated October 22nd, 10:08 PM to reflect new observational data.)

October 9, 2021
60% of Covid-19 Hospitalizations are in vaccinated individuals Slide 12 Screenshot from the Salus Humetrix VE study 10-05-2021
60% of Covid-19 Hospitalizations are in vaccinated individuals Slide 12 Screenshot from the Salus Humetrix VE study 10-05-2021

On October 1st, 2021 Humetrix released it’s first report

Titled Waning Effect of COVID-19 Vaccines in 5.6M U.S. Study Cohort Weekly Update 9/28/2021.

Covid-19 Hospitalizations Report Announcement On Home Page Screenshot Of A Wayback Machine Snapshot Dated Oct 1st, 2021
Covid-19 Hospitalizations Report Announcement On Home Page Screenshot Of A Wayback Machine Snapshot Dated Oct 1st, 2021

Attorney Tom Renz was the first to discover this study regarding Covid-19 hospitalizations. And as such bring it to the forefront of the public awareness.

You can view his press release here. The study was conducted using data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. It was conducted using a 5.6 million Cohort for the study. The Period of the study was from January 2021 through August 21st, 2021. Subsequently Stew Peters interviewed Tom Renz on his daily news show on Oct 4th, 2021. Exposing this data.

Furthermore Slide 7 reveals that Breakthrough cases = 71% of total Covid-19 cases in cohort

Breakthrough cases = 71% of total Covid-19 cases in cohort Slide 7 Screenshot from the Salus Humetrix VE study 10-05-2021
Breakthrough cases = 71% of total Covid-19 cases in cohort Slide 7 Screenshot from the Salus Humetrix VE study 10-05-2021

Not only does this directly contradict CDC NIH and The Presidents statements. The study also shows that those with natural immunity have a better protection against COVID-19 Sars-2 than those vaccinated individuals. This in and of itself should convince even the most die hard skeptic.

Here’s where things get a little interesting.

On October 5th the day after that interview aired is when i initially watched it. I only happened to notice that the sources for these documents as linked from Tom Renz’s Press Release had been taken down from the Humetrix website. Due to the fact that I was checking the sources like any good reporter does. Not being able to verify the sources directly from the Humetrix website directly. I immediately checked the Wayback Machine Internet Archive for any snapshots of the relevant links during the relevant dates. As a result I was able to find not only a snapshot of the relevant link provided by Tom Renz through his press release. As well as a snapshot of the Power Point Presentation document for October 1st. In addition to a minor revision to it updated on October 3rd.

Covid-19 Hospitalizations Report Announcement On Home Page Screenshot Of A Wayback Machine Snapshot Dated Oct 6th, 2021
Covid-19 Hospitalizations Report Announcement On Home Page Screenshot Of A Wayback Machine Snapshot Dated Oct 6th, 2021

Fast forward a day to October 6th as I’m getting ready to start putting together this article.

As i am going to fetch the relevant links i made notes of the day before for quoting my sources. I notice that the link provided by Tom Renz is back up online again.

Upon Further Investigation I Discover That Another Revision To The Report Has Been Posted.

Unfortunately the document was taken down by the time i attempted to archive it through the way back machine. However i did manage to download a copy before they took it down again. I literally witnessed the transition of the power point document from being online and publicly accessible. To having been completely removed in only an hours time. That in and of itself and the timing of it is highly suspicious. That being said. It is important to note that the most likely explanation for now is that they were adding new data and updating the report accordingly.(Editors Note: Updated October 22nd, 2021 10:08 PM to reflect new observation data)

After comparing the three documents for this Covid-19 Hospitalization and Vaccine Effectiveness study.

I did notice additional data in each subsequent update. Now today Friday October 8th, 2021 is exactly 1 week from October 1st. If the current pattern of report updates on the Humetrix website holds then we should expect an updated report any day now.

(Editors Note: Updated Oct. 22nd, 2021 10:08 PM to reflect new observational data)

Well we’ve waited three weeks for an updated or revised version of the D.O.D./J.A.I.C. Joint Study. It never came. As a result the last known publicly available report on the humetrix website was archived through the wayback machine on Oct 7th at 5:56 pm. That very same day the last snapshot archived for the webpage which presented the report was Dated on Oct 7th, at 11:58 pm when this snapshot was taken the page had already been removed. No snapshot of the power point document dated October 5th url archived on the wayback machine currently exists. However the copy i managed to obtain can be directly downloaded here.

So What Does This Demonstrate?

Well the timing of it is certainly suspicious. As well as the fact that the report was posted then taken down and updated. Then re posted at least twice, And the fact that the final revised power point document dated October 5th, 2021. Was only publicly available for about a day or so approximately from we can confirm using wayback machine snapshots of the

Which Is Consistent With The Approximate Length Of Time That The Original And First Revisions

Of the report were available publicly. Is in and of itself highly suspicious and questionable considering the narrative they seem to be attempting to spin throughout the M.S.M. And finally the fact that it was never revised following the October 5th, 2021 Revision and was never re posted. I believe what we are witnessing is evidence of a concerted effort to cover up the truth by the very institutions we have trusted to be fair and impartial for decades.

Either way whether or not they update the report or never put it up again. I felt it was necessary to document the chain of events and provide an accurate objective report of the events. And as such have archived and preserved what they have put online for posterity and for user independent verification purposes for all to see.

If anything should be abundantly clear to us now. It should be that Covid-19 Hospitalizations in vaccinated people account for 60% of all Covid-19 Hospitalizations in this study.

I have been lied to, you have been lied to by Fauci, By Big Pharma, By Big Tech, By President Biden and by everyone else responsible for managing this crisis that is abusing their position to engage in self profit at the expense of human lives and human rights.

We can now confirm with these saved documents beyond a reasonable doubt the following conclusion at the very least

That the opposite of what we have been told about COVID-19 Hospitalizations being in unvaccinated individuals is true. If we can prove that they lied to us and we know they did. And if we can prove that they had malice of forethought which we can. Then isn’t it time for us to unite as citizens? And as a direct result of this isn’t it time we demand that our leaders and those responsible be held accountable not just financially. But most important criminally?

Stephen Phillips
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