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Mar-A-Lago Raid exposed deep dive. September 15th, 2022 by Stephen Phillips. In this article we will dive into the chain of events surrounding the FBI’s raid on former President Trumps Florida residence starting last August. All the way up until the present date. We will examine what we know, and what we can prove. In addition we will be examining the law surrounding the Presidential Records Act (PRA) of 1978.

Never before in the history of our country,

has a Government agency who swore an oath to uphold the law and the constitution. Been wielded, weaponized, and politicized in such a gross manner. Until Now!

The FBI’s Raid on Mar-A-Lago, will likely go down in history

as a turning point when those sworn to protect the people turned against the people. With that being said let’s begin our deep dive.

Our first source is an article from the gateway pundit. Titled


Mar a Lago Raid gatewaypundit article screenshot from the web
Mar a Lago Raid gatewaypundit article screenshot from the web

Here is a quote from this article citing Trumps statement regarding the Mar-A-Lago Raid.

These are dark times for our Nation, as my beautiful home, Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, is currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents. Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before. After working and cooperating with the relevant Government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate. It is prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats who desperately don’t want me to run for President in 2024, especially based on recent polls, and who will likewise do anything to stop Republicans and Conservatives in the upcoming Midterm Elections. Such an assault could only take place in broken, Third-World Countries. Sadly, America has now become one of those Countries, corrupt at a level not seen before. They even broke into my safe! What is the difference between this and Watergate, where operatives broke into the Democrat National Committee? Here, in reverse, Democrats broke into the home of the 45th President of the United States.

The political persecution of President Donald J. Trump has been going on for years, with the now fully debunked Russia, Russia, Russia Scam, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2 and so much more, it just never ends. It is political targeting at the highest level!

Hillary Clinton was allowed to delete and acid wash 33,000 E-mails AFTER they were subpoenaed by Congress. Absolutely nothing has happened to hold her accountable. She even took antique furniture, and other items from the White House. I stood up to America’s bureaucratic corruption, I restored power to the people, and truly delivered for our Country, like we have never seen before. The establishment hated it. Now, as they watch my endorsed candidates win big victories, and see my dominance in all polls, they are trying to stop me, and the Republican Party, once more. The lawlessness, political persecution, and Witch Hunt must be exposed and stopped.

I will continue to fight for the Great American People!

Quote of Trumps statement from August 8th, 2022 regarding the Mar-A-Lago raid as quoted on the GatewayPundit Article

It’s Amazing how many people still fall for the orange man bad narrative. I think it’s important for us to question everything on both sides and stick to what we can prove. what does the evidence show.

This is the standard by which legacy media was intended to operate. However in modern times they have completely thrown that rule book right out the window. No legacy media outlet has been immune from this. Which is why we are seeing a vast decrease in the legacy media ratings. People are getting hip to the fact that they have been lied to. As a direct result of this people are searching out alternative sources for their news. And those of us in the Alt Media, or as i call it the New Media, are doing the work and providing the service of freedom of the press. The Alternative Media/New Media is where the vast majority of people are ending up when they search out honest truthful reliable sources for their news.

The Next Source for our Mar-A-Lago Raid Deep Dive is an article by NaturalNews Titled

FBI raid on Mar-A-Lago backfires spectacularly as lawmakers call for NULLIFICATION of corrupt federal agencies like FBI, IRS, EPA, ATF, DOJ

Here is a small quote from the first paragraph of that article

It took just one FBI raid on President Trump’s private residence to spark an historic backlash against the corrupt, lawless FBI, DOJ and Biden regime. Until today, any talk of abolishing the IRS, dismantling the FBI or nullifying the ATF was just “fringe” talk. But thanks to the FBI, it’s now mainstream conservative talk.

quote from Natural News Article

The article then segues into the statements made by multiple lawmakers regarding the Mar-A-Lago Raid.

The Article then touches on the IRS Help Wanted Job Listings for Armed IRS Agents.

The IRS, for example, is running help wanted ads for tax enforcement agents who are “willing to use deadly force” against the American people. This is openly touted by the IRS in multiple job openings that also declare applicants must be willing to “participate in arrests, execution of search warrants, and other dangerous assignments.”

Natural News Article Quote
IRS Job Listing Image From Natural News Article

Here is a YouTube video for this job listing from The IRS Official YouTube Channel

It should be noted that if you go to the actual link on YouTube for this video you will notice how the comments have been disabled. How convenient for them.

Next up from our list of sources for our Mar-A-Lago Raid Deep Dive is an article from the Gateway Pundit Titled

Breaking: FBI Agent Tim Thibault Who Opened Trump Investigation Is Escorted from Headquarters — Was Also FBI Agent in Charge of Investigating Voter Fraud, And Failed to Do So

The Article Begins it’s opening statements by pointing out the obvious conflicts of interest with FBI Agent Tim Thibault.

FBI agent Tim Thibault was escorted from FBI headquarters on Friday.

He was the mastermind behind the affidavit to raid Mar-a-Lago.

He has longtime connections to the Clintons and the Obamas.

Thibault was the FBI official who was Assistant Agent in Charge (ASAC) in investigating voter fraud in the 2020 election.

GatewayPundit Article FBI Agent Tim Thibault Escorted From Headquarters Block Quote

The article then includes a video statement made by Tim Thibault, October 8th, 2020 to point out his hypocrisy.

The article then quotes an article from Just The News

Former Washington Field Office Special Agent in Charge Tim Thibault was reportedly escorted out of the Bureau’s headquarters on Friday, amid whistleblower allegations that he showed political bias in his handling of politically sensitive investigations.

The Washington Times reported eyewitness accounts that “Mr. Thibault was seen exiting the bureau’s elevator last Friday escorted by two or three ‘headquarters-looking types.’”

Whistleblowers alleged that Thibault concealed the partisan nature of evidence from FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland to secure their approval to open an investigation into former President Donald Trump. That investigation culminated in the FBI’s raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate earlier this month.

The public release of the affidavit that accompanied the search warrant revealed the warrant application relied heavily on information from news articles, including a CBS Miami piece titled “Moving Trucks Spotted At Mar-a-Lago” and a Breitbart News article in which former Trump adviser Kash Patel discussed the classified status of documents the bureau previously removed from the estate on behalf of the National Archives.

Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley confirmed to Just the News prior to the raid that Thibault had been removed from his post and reassigned to an unspecified position.

GatewayPundit Article FBI Agent Tim Thibault Escorted From Headquarters Block Quote

Next on our list of sources is an article by the Gateway Pundit Titled

HUGE BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: FBI Doctored Mar-a-Lago Photo, Added Their Own Docs to Create a Crime Scene that Didn’t Exist

Below are some relevant block quotes from this article for context.

The FBI created a fake crime scene at Mar-a-Lago by adding their documents to the scene and doctoring the photo of the scene.  This is against the law.

The DOJ responded in a lawsuit by President Trump asking a judge to review the FBI raid of his iconic property Mar-a-Lago. In the DOJ’s response, the DOJ included a document they claim was taken at Mar-a-Lago.

The photo was all over the news on Wednesday, August 31, the day after it was provided to the court.  The Independent made fun of the Time Magazine cover on the right side of the photo that the DOJ apparently wanted to include in the photo so that they could show that President Trump is so vain.   There was no need for this Time Magazine piece in the picture.

The Daily Mail said “Trump KEPT framed Time cover of ‘enemies’ knocking at his window among the collection of classified files – including documents marked ‘Top Secret’ and those based on ‘human intelligence’ – sprawled across Mar-a-Lago”.

This was all a lie.  The FBI created the crime scene, inserted their own documents, and then photoshopped the document.  What a disgrace.

1. We know that the FBI wanted to make this look like a crime scene.

We know this because at the bottom of the photo provided to the court there is the number 2A, indicating that this was a crime scene photo as well as a type of tape measure across the bottom of the photo. The corrupt FBI threw the photos on the floor themselves. They staged this.

We know this because the containers were right next door. The documents would have been placed on a table had the FBI wanted to take a picture of the documents. Showing them as scattered across the floor is for show to indicate they were found this way, a lie we explain below. Also, the cabinets are right next to the documents, which is likely where they were stored. They weren’t stored on the floor.

GatewayPundit Article FBI Doctored Mar-a-Lago Photo
High Resolution Copy Of Attachment F From The 8-30-2022 DOJ-Mar-a-Lago Raid and evidence of Image Manipulation
High Resolution Copy Of Attachment F From The 8-30-2022 DOJ-Mar-a-Lago Raid and evidence of Image Manipulation

2. The FBI inserted documents into the photo. 

The cover sheets in the above photo that were red, yellow, and brown were inserted by the FBI.  They are the FBI’s cover sheets.  We know this for various reasons.  The Trump White House did not need these cover sheets in the documents they held because they had their own cover sheets.

If you look closely at the photo above, the document right above the 2A is folded back. The papers are stapled together as they should be. If you look at that batch you see there already was a cover sheet on that document. It says “Please store in…”. That is the real cover sheet.

The red, yellow, and brown cover sheets were inserted. If you look closely at the yellow cover sheets, they are paper clipped to the documents. The documents would have been stapled. They are paperclipped because they were inserted by the FBI.

Also, the front cover sheet in brown, showing SCI, says the following wording:

“Handling, storage, reproduction, and distribution of the attached document must be in accordance with the applicable executive orders statutes and agency implementing regulations.”

This document was inserted.  The FBI inserted this to indicate that the “agency implementing regulations” – i.e. the DOJ – is involved in the maintenance of these records but this is not the case.

The President has the right to documents that are his.  They are his property and an inserted document saying something different is simply not true.

GatewayPundit Article FBI Doctored Mar-a-Lago Photo
Image Analysis Photos Done By Digital Forensics Expert Company XRVision (Note it appears their website is currently down. Here is the last known working snapshot of it from the wayback machine)

The last most important point made in this article is the fact that it was photoshopped. Here is a quote from the GatewayPundit Article for context.

3. The photo was altered or photoshopped after it was taken (i.e. the FBI was tampering with evidence).

Throughout the picture there are sections in white. It would be proper for the FBI to take pictures of the crime scene and then add paper to cover up the classified info and then take photos to cover up any classified information. However, we know that these white sections are redactions to the photo.

When looking a the picture above, you can see that the white space was added to the picture by the white outlines around the black boxes in the first photo above. These photos were tampered with.

Finally, did the FBI Agents who invaded the President’s home have the proper credentials to review classified information? How about the agents who made the call to photoshop the photo? How about the employees who photoshopped the photos? Were they properly credentialed?

GatewayPundit Article FBI Doctored Mar-a-Lago Photo
High Resolution Copy Of Attachment F From The 8-30-2022 DOJ-Mar-a-Lago Raid and evidence of Image Manipulation

This is a crime scene but it is the FBI and DOJ that acted like criminals.  They created a false crime scene.  They inserted docs.  They tampered with evidence.

GatewayPundit Article FBI Doctored Mar-a-Lago Photo

Next up on our list of sources for our Mar-A-Lago Raid Deep Dive is from the Washington Post Titled.

Material on foreign nation’s nuclear capabilities seized at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago

I Want to point out just how bias and one sided this particular article is regarding the Mar-A-Lago Raid. Below are some quotes from this article for context.

A document describing a foreign government’s military defenses, including its nuclear capabilities, was found by FBI agents who searched former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence and private club last month, according to people familiar with the matter, underscoring concerns among U.S. intelligence officials about classified material stashed in the Florida property.

Washington Post Material on foreign nation’s nuclear capabilities seized at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Article

But wait a minute i thought they were concerned about Trump Selling Nuclear secrets to a foreign government.

Yet here they claim “a document describing a foreign government’s military defenses, including its nuclear capabilities” was found.

Some of the seized documents detail top-secret U.S. operations so closely guarded that many senior national security officials are kept in the dark about them. Only the president, some members of his Cabinet or a near-Cabinet-level official could authorize other government officials to know details of these special-access programs, according to people familiar with the search, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive details of an ongoing investigation.

Washington Post Material on foreign nation’s nuclear capabilities seized at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Article

Documents about such highly classified operations require special clearances on a need-to-know basis, not just top-secret clearance. Some special-access programs can have as few as a couple dozen government personnel authorized to know of an operation’s existence. Records that deal with such programs are kept under lock and key, almost always in a secure compartmented information facility, with a designated control officer to keep careful tabs on their location.

Washington Post Material on foreign nation’s nuclear capabilities seized at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Article

I want to point out to our viewers this next statement by the Washington post in this article

But such documents were stored at Mar-a-Lago, with uncertain security, more than 18 months after Trump left the White House.

Washington Post Material on foreign nation’s nuclear capabilities seized at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Article

18 months? OK lets take a look at the Presidential Records Act and see what it says regarding the law when it comes to how long a former president has to turn over any documents to the national archives

If we take a look at the Presidential Records Act Sub Section 2203, We can see the law regarding Management and custody of Presidential records. Below is a screenshot followed by a text quote of Sub Section 2203 of The Presidential Records Act

Here is the text quote of Sub Section 2203 of the Presidential Records Act

§ 2203. Management and custody of Presidential records

(a) Through the implementation of records management controls and other necessary actions, the President shall take all such steps as may be necessary to assure that the activities, deliberations, decisions, and policies that reflect the performance of the President’s constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties are adequately documented and that such records are preserved and maintained as Presidential records pursuant to the requirements of this section and other provisions of law.

(b) Documentary materials produced or received by the President, the President’s staff, or units or individuals in the Executive Office of the President the function of which is to advise or assist the President, shall, to the extent practicable, be categorized as Presidential records or personal records upon their creation or receipt and be filed separately.

(c) During the President’s term of office, the President may dispose of those Presidential records of such President that no longer have administrative, historical, informational, or evidentiary value if–

(1) the President obtains the views, in writing, of the Archivist concerning the proposed disposal of such Presidential records; and

(2) the Archivist states that the Archivist does not intend to take any action under subsection (e) of this section.

(d) In the event the Archivist notifies the President under subsection (c) that the Archivist does intend to take action under subsection (e), the President may dispose of such Presidential records if copies of the disposal schedule are submitted to the appropriate Congressional Committees at least 60 calendar days of continuous session of Congress in advance of the proposed disposal date. For the purpose of this section, continuity of session is broken only by an adjournment of Congress sine die, and the days on which either House is not in session because of an adjournment of more than three days to a day certain are excluded in the computation of the days in which Congress is in continuous session.

(e) The Archivist shall request the advice of the Committee on Rules and Administration and the Committee on Governmental Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on House Oversight and the Committee on Government Operations of the House of Representatives with respect to any proposed disposal of Presidential records whenever the Archivist considers that–

(1) these particular records may be of special interest to the Congress; or

(2) consultation with the Congress regarding the disposal of these particular records is in the public interest.

(f) During a President’s term of office, the Archivist may maintain and preserve Presidential records on behalf of the President, including records in digital or electronic form. The President shall remain exclusively responsible for custody, control and access to such Presidential records. The Archivist may not disclose any such records, except under direction of the President, until the conclusion of a President’s term of office, if a President serves consecutive terms upon the conclusion of the last term, or such other period provided for under section 2204 of this title.

(g)(1) Upon the conclusion of a President’s term of office, or if a President serves consecutive terms upon the conclusion of the last term, the Archivist of the United States shall assume responsibility for the custody, control, and preservation of, and access to, the Presidential records of that President. The Archivist shall have an affirmative duty to make such records available to the public as rapidly and completely as possible consistent with the provisions of this chapter.

(2) The Archivist shall deposit all such Presidential records in a Presidential archival depository or another archival facility operated by the United States. The Archivist is authorized to designate, after consultation with the former President, a director at each depository or facility, who shall be responsible for the care and preservation of such records.

(3) When the President considers it practicable and in the public interest, the President shall include in the President’s budget transmitted to Congress, for each fiscal year in which the term of office of the President will expire, such funds as may be necessary for carrying out the authorities of this subsection.

(4) The Archivist is authorized to dispose of such Presidential records which the Archivist has appraised and determined to have insufficient administrative, historical, informational, or evidentiary value to warrant their continued preservation. Notice of such disposal shall be published in the Federal Register at least 60 days in advance of the proposed disposal date. Publication of such notice shall constitute a final agency action for purposes of review under chapter 7 of title 5, United States Code.

Sub Section 2203 of the Presidential Records Act

The first point i would like to make regarding Sub Section 2203 is section F

(f) During a President’s term of office, the Archivist may maintain and preserve Presidential records on behalf of the President, including records in digital or electronic form. The President shall remain exclusively responsible for custody, control and access to such Presidential records. The Archivist may not disclose any such records, except under direction of the President, until the conclusion of a President’s term of office, if a President serves consecutive terms upon the conclusion of the last term, or such other period provided for under section 2204 of this title.

Section F of The Presidential Records Act Sub Section 2203

Section F of Sub Section 2203 of the Presidential Records Act Clearly States

“During a President’s term of office, the Archivist may maintain and preserve Presidential records on behalf of the President, including records in digital or electronic form. The President shall remain exclusively responsible for custody, control and access to such Presidential records. “

This means that during the presidents Term of office The president Himself is ultimately responsible for the custody, control, and access to such Presidential records. Until such time that his term of office concludes at which point the Archivist will be responsible for this task.

If we look at The Presidential Records Act Sub Section 2204 We can clearly see the following.

Here is a direct text quote of Sub Section 2204 of the Presidential Records Act for ease of viewing.

§ 2204. Restrictions on access to Presidential records

(a) Prior to the conclusion of a President’s term of office or last consecutive term of office, as the case may be, the President shall specify durations, not to exceed 12 years, for which access shall be restricted with respect to information, in a Presidential record, within one or more of the following categories:

(1)(A) specifically authorized under criteria established by an Executive order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy and

(B) in fact properly classified pursuant to such Executive order;

(2) relating to appointments to Federal office;

(3) specifically exempted from disclosure by statute (other than sections 552 and 552b of title 5, United States Code), provided that such statute

(A) requires that the material be withheld from the public in such a manner as to leave no discretion on the issue, or

(B) establishes particular criteria for withholding or refers to particular types of material to be withheld;

(4) trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential;

(5) confidential communications requesting or submitting advice, between the President and the President’s advisers, or between such advisers; or

(6) personnel and medical files and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.

(b)(1) Any Presidential record or reasonably segregable portion thereof containing information within a category restricted by the President under subsection (a) shall be so designated by the Archivist and access thereto shall be restricted until the earlier of–

(A)(i) the date on which the former President waives the restriction on disclosure of such record, or

(ii) the expiration of the duration specified under subsection (a) for the category of information on the basis of which access to such record has been restricted; or

(B) upon a determination by the Archivist that such record or reasonably segregable portion thereof, or of any significant element or aspect of the information contained in such record or reasonably segregable portion thereof, has been placed in the public domain through publication by the former President, or the President’s agents.

(2) Any such record which does not contain information within a category restricted by the President under subsection (a), or contains information within such a category for which the duration of restricted access has expired, shall be exempt from the provisions of subsection (c) until the earlier of–

(A) the date which is 5 years after the date on which the Archivist obtains custody of such record pursuant to section 2203(d)(1) [sic: should reference 2203(g)(1)]; or

(B) the date on which the Archivist completes the processing and organization of such records or integral file segment thereof.

(3) During the period of restricted access specified pursuant to subsection (b)(1), the determination whether access to a Presidential record or reasonably segregable portion thereof shall be restricted shall be made by the Archivist, in his discretion, after consultation with the former President, and, during such period, such determinations shall not be subject to judicial review, except as provided in subsection (e) of this section. The Archivist shall establish procedures whereby any person denied access to a Presidential record because such record is restricted pursuant to a determination made under this paragraph, may file an administrative appeal of such determination. Such procedures shall provide for a written determination by the Archivist or the Archivist’s designee, within 30 working days after receipt of such an appeal, setting forth the basis for such determination.

(c)(1) Subject to the limitations on access imposed pursuant to subsections (a) and (b), Presidential records shall be administered in accordance with section 552 of title 5, United States Code, except that paragraph (b)(5) of that section shall not be available for purposes of withholding any Presidential record, and for the purposes of such section such records shall be deemed to be records of the National Archives and Records Administration. Access to such records shall be granted on nondiscriminatory terms.

(2) Nothing in this Act shall be construed to confirm, limit, or expand any constitutionally-based privilege which may be available to an incumbent or former President.

(d) Upon the death or disability of a President or former President, any discretion or authority the President or former President may have had under this chapter, except section 2208, shall be exercised by the Archivist unless otherwise previously provided by the President or former President in a written notice to the Archivist.

(e) The United States District Court for the District of Columbia shall have jurisdiction over any action initiated by the former President asserting that a determination made by the Archivist violates the former President’s rights or privileges.

(f) The Archivist shall not make available any original Presidential records to any individual claiming access to any Presidential record as a designated representative under section 2205(3) of this title if that individual has been convicted of a crime relating to the review, retention, removal, or destruction of records of the Archives.

Sub Section 2204 of the Presidential Records Act

Now the next point i want to make is from section (a), (1)(A) and (1)(B) of Sub Section 2204 of the Presidential Records Act

This clearly states “(a) Prior to the conclusion of a President’s term of office or last consecutive term of office, as the case may be, the President shall specify durations, not to exceed 12 years, for which access shall be restricted with respect to information, in a Presidential record, within one or more of the following categories:

(1)(A) specifically authorized under criteria established by an Executive order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy and

(B) in fact properly classified pursuant to such Executive order;”

So Basically what this section says regarding Restrictions on access to Presidential Records is this

The President has the authority to restrict access to presidential records while he is still in office with a specified duration not to exceed 12 years for which access shall be restricted with respect to information in a Presidential Record.

Furthermore if we look at section (1)(B) it states “(B) in fact properly classified pursuant to such Executive order.”

Now one thing i would like to point out that this also means that if a President Declassifies a previously Properly classified document it is therefore no longer restricted on the basis of no longer being classified. So if trump did in fact declassify certain documents before leaving the white house (Such as incriminating evidence implicating some of the 3 letter agencies.) He would be completely within his rights to do so and it would be totally by the book.

It is my firm belief that what we are witnessing is the beginning of the collapse of the Deep State. Everything I’ve seen and Investigated seems to point to this being the case(The fact that the deep state is no longer even trying to hide what they are doing, looks and appears to be an act of desperation. there are many more data points which are indicators in fact far too many to list here.) The main takeaway from this is that We The People are winning. We are pushing back and calling out these Corrupt Officials. We Must Continue To Do So Consistently and Lawfully, and without violence. Stay Vigilant And Remember Always Use Discernment when reading or watching any article or news story. Where we go one, We go all!

Stephen Phillips
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