The Nbcp Briefing Documents, A Deep Dive & Follow up recap. In this article we will go over all of the data and documents covered in episodes 16 & 17 of Tips, Techniques & Survival Traits.

For our Deep Dive we will look at the

nbcp briefing documents slides, corresponding PDF docs, and any 3rd party source corroboration. With that being said let us begin.

NBCP Briefing Documents Slide 1 – Experiments on mentally ill people

NBCP Briefing Documents Slide 3
NBCP Briefing Documents Slide 3

In regards to slide 1 from the NBCP Briefing Documents. We were able to find the Nuremberg Code(1949) pdf.

Nuremberg Code 1949 pdf
Nuremberg Code 1949 pdf

In addition to the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association pdf.


When it comes to verifying the identity of Linda Oporto. here is what i found.

I found 3 obscure references in foreign articles that reference the same story

The first source is an article from

In addition the second source i found is from

Finally we have our third source which is from

There were also several others reporting on the same story.

However none of them were from an American Outlet (No surprise there.) While this is not entirely conclusive, it should be noted that a background check through a service such as has not yet been done.

Slide 2 – Research on mosquitos as carriers of vector-borne infections

NBCP Briefing Documents Slide 2
NBCP Briefing Documents Slide 2

This particular slide and accompanying documents, prove a parallel program operating in Ukraine on Mosquitos as carriers of vector-borne infections.

Identical in almost every way to the program here in the United States run by Oxitec and funded by none other than the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Here is a link to the experimental use permit regarding the Oxitec Program Here in the United States. (If you prefer to view the experimental use permit in browser you may do so here)

Gates Foundation and Oxitec Fight Malaria with Genetically-Modified Mosquitoes Screenshot From The Web For Plandemic InDoctorNation Fact-Check Part 4
Gates Foundation and Oxitec Fight Malaria with <-Modified Mosquitoes Screenshot From The Web For Plandemic InDoctorNation Fact-Check Part 4
Experimental Use Permit Issued for 93167-EUP-2
Experimental Use Permit Issued for 93167-EUP-2

Slide 3 – Historical facts on US military and biological activities

Slide 3 From The NBCP Briefing Documents
Slide 3 From The NBCP Briefing Documents

Slide number 3 Shows The Documents From The Claim on behalf of Cuban nationals against the US government, dated May 31, 1999, In addition to a Newsday article of 1971, reprinted in San Francisco Chronicle 10.01.1977. These documents establish precedent, in regards to the United States Government being covertly and unlawfully engaged in bio-warfare against a foreign people. Regardless of how much the Talking Heads May try to sugar coat this whole thing. There is absolutely no denying that there was some pretty sketchy and unethical practices the United States Government specifically the C.I.A. was involved in. And according to occam’s razor. which states “the simplest explanation tends to be the right one” in this scenario they are most likely still engaged in such unethical and unlawful practices. On a side note i recommend looking up Operation Northwoods. According to Wikipedia:

Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag operation against American citizens that originated within the US Department of Defense of the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for CIA operatives to both stage and actually commit acts of terrorism against American military and civilian targets, blaming them on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba. The possibilities detailed in the document included the possible assassination of Cuban immigrants, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas,[2] hijacking planes to be shot down or given the appearance of being shot down,[2] blowing up a U.S. ship, and orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.[3] The proposals were rejected by President John F. Kennedy.[4][5][6]

Operation Northwoods. Courtesy Wikipedia, Accessed July 13, 2022.

NBCP Briefing Docs Slide 4 – Analysis of tularemia and hepatitis outbreaks

NBCP Briefing Documents Slide 4
NBCP Briefing Documents Slide 4

Shown on slide number 4 of the NBCP Slides we are shown mathematically projected infection and death numbers based on hypothetical models. All while under the guise of the Defense Threat Reduction Program

Ukrainian Ministry of Defense participation Screenshot
Ukrainian Ministry of Defense participation Screenshot
NATO Planning Guide for the Estimation of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Casualties Screenshot
NATO Planning Guide for the Estimation of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Casualties Screenshot
List of tularemia outbreaks screenshot
List of tularemia outbreaks screenshot

Slide 5 – Training of Ukrainian Specialists in the Field Epidemiology Training Programme

NBCP Briefing Documents Slide 5
NBCP Briefing Documents Slide 5

When it comes to the 5th slide Titled Training of Ukrainian specialists in the Field of Epidemiology Training Programme.

The first document provided by the NBCP Briefing Documents for Slide 5

is the Letter from DTRA to WHO Representative in Ukraine.

Letter from DTRA to WHO Representative in Ukraine Screenshot
Letter from DTRA to WHO Representative in Ukraine Screenshot

Secondly we have the Invitation to the Field Epidemiology Training Programme Steering Committee meeting

Invitation to the Field Epidemiology Training Programme Steering Committee meeting Screenshot
Invitation to the Field Epidemiology Training Programme Steering Committee meeting Screenshot

Finally we have the DTRA Field Epidemiology Training Programme report for Q4 2019

These three sources are the ones released in the NBCP Briefing Documents Drop. Based on these three documents alone it would sure seem to indicate that there was unlawful biological weapons activity and conflicts of interest as well.

DTRA Field Epidemiology Training Programme report for Q4 2019 Screenshot
DTRA Field Epidemiology Training Programme report for Q4 2019 Screenshot

The Picture painted by these 3 documents In combination with all the other evidence we’ve uncovered for this article, is in itself pretty self explanatory and damning.

Slide 6 – Hunter Biden Laptop Emails Regarding Lobbying For MetaBiota

NBCP Briefing Documents Slide 6 Hunter Biden Laptop Emails Regarding Lobbying For MetaBiota
NBCP Briefing Documents Slide 6 Hunter Biden Laptop Emails Regarding Lobbying For MetaBiota

Here in slide number 6, we are shown the Hunter Biden emails allegedly from Hunters Laptop. On the left side of the slide we are shown a diagram of how all the individuals listed in the emails are connected. For example the Bill & Melinda gates Foundation funding of MetaBiota, The Collaborations between MetaBiota & EcoHealth Alliance’s Peter Daszak. In addition to several other key connections. If accurate it would prove and establish intent and collusion between the involved individuals.

After doing some digging on the wayback machine i was easily able to corroborate these claims in slide number 6 of the NBCP Briefing Document Slides

Here is what we found.

First we have a screenshot of a Wayback Machine Snapshot of the website dated January 1st, 2014 Home page Wayback Machine Snapshot January 1st, 2014 Home page Wayback Machine Snapshot January 1st, 2014

We also have a screenshot of a Wayback Machine Snapshot of the website dated January 6th, 2014

Wayback machine snapshot of dated January 6th, 2014
Wayback machine snapshot of dated January 6th, 2014

Up next we have a screenshot of a Wayback Machine Snapshot of the website (Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners) dated March 14th, 2014

Screenshot of Wayback Machine Snapshot of (Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners) Dated March 14th, 2014
Screenshot of Wayback Machine Snapshot of (Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners) Dated March 14th, 2014

Next up we have confirmation of the claim in the NBCP Briefing Documents Slide 6 confirming Hunter Biden Devon Archer and others were in positions to commit these crimes. In addition to the fact that the time frames in the wayback machine and the slide and pdf documents provided by the NBCP Briefing Docs Drop match up. Leading one to conclude that there is a good chance that this collusion did indeed occur.

Wayback Machine Snapshot of dated January 21st, 2014
Wayback Machine Snapshot of dated January 21st, 2014

Next up on the list of Incriminating Corroborations of Evidence

Is a Wayback Machine Snapshot of (Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners Team Page.) Dated March 15th, 2014 This is corroboration of the emails by those in managerial positions at Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners based on the fact that the names & the dates in the emails and the names & dates in the wayback machine snapshot match up chronologically thereby establishing a timeline and chain of events.

Wayback Machine Snapshot Of Dated March 15th, 2014 Cover Image
Wayback Machine Snapshot Of Dated March 15th, 2014 Cover Image
NBCP Briefing Documents # 6 H-Biden Rosemont Seneca Emails Pdf Screenshot
NBCP Briefing Documents # 6 H-Biden Rosemont Seneca Emails Pdf Screenshot

Next we have a Screenshot of a Wayback Machine Snapshot of the same webpage (Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners Team Page.) This time dated May 14th, 2015 a full 14 Months Later. At this time Hunter Biden was no longer part of the Managerial Process In His place appears General Wesley Clark. The previous snapshot confirmed he was part of the Managerial Team of Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners as of March 15th, 2014, which begs the question. Why? Could it be that he was disgraced because of his blatant sloppy violation of the law and his colleagues wanted to distance themselves from him? It would certainly appear that way from the evidence we have looked at so far.

And at last we have the Wayback Machine Snapshot which establishes MetaBiota as one of the many companies Rosemont Seneca has invested in. Dated March 15th, 2014

Wayback Machine Snapshot which establishes MetaBiota as one of the many companies Rosemont Seneca has invested in dated March 15th, 2014
Wayback Machine Snapshot which establishes MetaBiota as one of the many companies Rosemont Seneca has invested in dated March 15th, 2014

On Episode 17 The NBCP Briefing Documents Deep Dive Follow Up We uncovered further independent corroboration of the Robert Biden and Devon Archer Burisma Connection

Here is our source document which confirms this.

Robert Biden, Devon Archer & Burisma Connection Document
Robert Biden, Devon Archer & Burisma Connection Document

We also have a partially redacted version we made from the original above by removing the blacked out box over the To: field in a pdf editor.

This revealed the email addressee as, which is also found in the email correspondence from the NBCP Briefing Documents Drop. This is Damning Evidence to say the least.

With no individuals in positions of power willing to prosecute and hold those responsible accountable for their crimes. We are left with us the Alternative Media or what i like to call “The New Media”

And others like us to expose the evidence of crimes & corruption by individuals whom knowingly and with malice of forethought are guilty of committing based on the preponderance of evidence to suggest such is the case. And we must do so to create Public Outcry which if done in mass numbers can put enormous amounts of pressure by the people on those guilty of such corruption and effect real change and accountability.

Slide 7 – Pentagon web site statement on US biological activities in the former Soviet Union

NBCP Briefing Documents Slide 7
NBCP Briefing Documents Slide 7

Finally we have slide number 7 which shows the Fact Sheet on WMD Threat Reduction Efforts with Ukraine, Russia and Other Former Soviet Union Countries which we were able to confirm did indeed come from the US Governments own website

Fact Sheet on WMD Threat Reduction Efforts with Ukraine, Russia and Other Former Soviet Union Countries
Fact Sheet on WMD Threat Reduction Efforts with Ukraine, Russia and Other Former Soviet Union Countries

Finally we took our first look into the first four pages of what appears to be a Chinese Investment Proposal In Afghanistan Dated December 2020

With this new context of this 2020 Chinese Investment Document from just the first 4 pages alone it Certainly Appears that China had foreknowledge of our abrupt withdraw from Afghanistan In Early September 2021.

Chinese Afghanistan Investment Proposal Document Page 1
Chinese Afghanistan Investment Proposal Document Page 1
Chinese Afghanistan Investment Proposal Document Page 2
Chinese Afghanistan Investment Proposal Document Page 2
Chinese Afghanistan Investment Proposal Document Page 3
Chinese Afghanistan Investment Proposal Document Page 3
Chinese Afghanistan Investment Proposal Document Page 4
Chinese Afghanistan Investment Proposal Document Page 4

This is only what we have covered of this document so far. There are 75 more pages to go over in this document. We will go over them more thoroughly in a separate Article, as well as on Episode 18 of Tips, Techniques & Survival Traits. Airing August 5th, 2022 2:00pm P.S.T. 4:00pm C.D.T. 5:00pm E.D.T.

That’s our brief recap for the Nbcp Briefing Docs Deep Dive, the Nbcp Briefing Docs Deep Dive Follow Up and our findings thereof.

Researchers Turn Mosquitoes Into Flying Vaccinators

Missed shots: Science revisits its 2020 Breakthrough of the Year

  1. Mosquito research
  2. Cuba
  3. Tularaemia, interaction between the US DOD and Ukraine
  4. Specialist training
  5. H.Biden – letters
  6. US Department of Defense Bulletin

January 1st, 2014
original url:
waybackmachine url:

January 6th, 2014
original url:
waybackmachine url:

March 14th, 2014
original url:
waybackmachine url:

January 21st, 2014
original url:
waybackmachine url:

March 15th, 2014
original url:
waybackmachine url:

May 14th, 2015
original url:
waybackmachine url:

March 15th, 2014
original url:
waybackmachine url:

Chinese Investment Proposal In Afghanistan Document Dated December 2020

Stephen Phillips
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