This page defines and describes News4us world’s Fact-Check Rating Guidelines and the definitions behind each Rating Term and is as follows:
Rating Guidelines and Definitions

Fact’s that are able to be verified beyond a reasonable doubt from independent multiple sources, at or beyond a 75% thresh hold will be rated as True. Due to our Fact-Check Rating Guidelines.

Fact’s that we can verify at or above a 50% thresh hold yet still below the 75% thresh hold. For example. If we have 4 independent sources. And only 2 are able to corroborate the fact we are checking completely and 1 is able to corroborate it partially then our Fact-Check Rating Guidelines will rate it as High Probability Of Accuracy.

Fact’s that we cannot corroborate because a more thorough understanding of the subject matter involved is required. As a result, our Fact-Check Rating Guidelines will rate it as Needs More Investigating.

Verification at or above a 25% thresh hold and below a 50% thresh hold are rated as Low Probability Of Accuracy by our Fact-Check Rating Guidelines (This would also apply if we were only able to corroborate 1 source completely and 1 only partially as well.)

Fact’s that can only be verified below a 25% thresh hold will be rated as False. By our Fact-Check Rating Guidelines.
Understanding how our Rating System works with practical examples.
We want you to have a solid understanding of how our rating system works. Therefore in Accordance with our Terms of Service and the Burden Of Proof Standards. We have provided practical hypothetical examples below for clarification.
Practical Example of a TRUE Rating
In this example we have 4 sources that we are using to corroborate a given claim. Confirmation of at least 75% of those sources will result in a rating of True. Therefore if 3 or more can be verified the rating given will be true.
Practical Example of a HIGH PROBABILITY OF ACCURACY Rating according to our protocol.
In this example there are 6 sources that we are using to verify a given claim. Confirmation of at least 50% but less than 75% of those sources will result in a rating of High Probability Of Accuracy. Therefore based on our Fact-Check Rating Guidelines if between 3 and 4 1/2 can be verified the rating given will be High Probability of Accuracy.
Practical Example of a NEEDS MORE INVESTIGATING Rating
In this example we are going to use one of our articles for reference and rating clarification. The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2 article from the Nature Medicine website. source from our Plandemic InDoctorNation Fact-Check article. (link will open in new tab). We have determined that the claim needs more investigating due to a lack of understanding of the source information. This is for two reasons. The first being that the author of the article is not a molecular biologist. The second that if the author was to give a rating based on their current understanding it would be potentially misleading and therefore unethical.
In some cases we will do a separate article
of the source or claim in question to really give it a thorough and proper investigation. In all other cases we will update the source rating once more information becomes available in order to either dismiss or verify the given claim.
Practical Example of a LOW PROBABILITY OF ACCURACY Rating
In this example we have 2 sources that we are checking to verify a given claim. Confirmation of at least 25%, but less than 50% of those 2 sources will result in a rating of Low Probability Of Accuracy. Furthermore for clarity if we are able to verify 1 of those sources partially but not completely then the resulting rating will be Low Probability Of Accuracy. This is because out of 2 sources the 25% thresh hold would be at 0.5 and the 50% thresh hold would be at 1.0
Practical Example of a FALSE Rating according to our protocol
In this example we have 4 sources that are being checked to verify a claim. Confirmation of less than 25% of those sources will result in a rating of False. Furthermore for clarity if we are able to only partially verify 1 source out of the 4, a rating of False will be given. This is because out of 4 sources the 24% thresh hold is at or below 0.9.