Online Censorship. Episode 2 of Tips, Techniques, & Survival Traits News Segment.
December 18th, 2021 By Stephen Phillips

Tips, Techniques, & Survival Traits – Episode 2
Online Censorship – With Stephen Phillips
In Episode 2 of Tips, Techniques & Survival Traits, We discuss several forms of online censorship.
Editors Note: A Transcript Of This Entire News Segment Is Now Available. You can also find a list of the sources referenced in this News Segment at the Bottom Of The Article
Hello Fellow Citizens Of Planet Earth. Today is Saturday December 18th, 2021
And This is Stephen Phillips Reporting.
Today We’re Going Discuss Online Censorship.
From Googles Blacklist To Facebook Faked Checks.
We’re also going to teach you how to use some advanced google search parameters to reveal and find results google is actively trying to censor.
I’d like to start this episode with a shocking revelation that many folks may not even be aware of. Google Assistant Is Actively Indoctrinating Our Children To Be Pro Vaccine.
I only recently became aware of this myself thanks to an immediate family member, due to the fact that i don’t personally use Google Assistant.
For those parents and guardians out there who own android based smartphones. I want you to actually try this so you can see for yourself exactly what I’m talking about. Tell Your Assistant “Hey Google Sing Me a Song.” and wait for a response. A creepy majority of the time Assistant will respond with the vaccine song. sometimes even the mask song. other times Assistant will pick from a selection of short benign melodies. Here’s A short video demonstrating this.
For any parent or guardian the fact that the state and the establishment is now trying to mandate this bio weapon on our children, should be alarming in and of itself.
Whats unthinkable about this is the fact that they are still pushing this bio weapon on our kids in the name of public health, and using insidious incentive and coercion tactics to do so. This aspect of Googles Digital Assistant appears to be another extension of that kind of propaganda and indoctrination. What business does Google, Facebook or any Corporation have making life changing decisions for our children?
This is happening across the globe in all countries around the world. Australia, The United States, The UK, Germany, and many many others. What’s Truly Frightening about this fact is that it seems to be a concerted and coordinated effort in lockstep with what can only be described as a plan to bring us to a Dystopian Future of tyranny.
Up next is our segment covering Online censorship in the dis-information age.
In recent years we’ve witnessed the fall of Big-tech from advocates of free speech and liberty. To advocates and complicit participants in the crack down and suppression of information contrary to the established narrative. This has been an unprecedented, and wholly unexpected move by big tech which most of us never even fathomed let alone imagined could or would happen.
Yet here we are. As a result of this I’m going to teach you how you can use some advanced google search parameters. And as a result Circumvent Google’s Search Result Censorship to some degree.To find the content your looking for. But first we’re going do a comparative analysis of several different search engines using keywords known to trigger the algorithm. Then we’ll compare the search results yielded and look for any inconsistencies and or anomalies. That could be an indicator of censorship.
Lets start our comparative analysis with google. The search term we’re going to use will be “Plandemic InDoctorNation – FACT CHECK!” We chose this search term because it is in the title of our launch article. In addition to the fact that the Plandemic InDoctorNation Documentary is the most censored and banned Documentary on the internet. For the purposes of demonstrating googles censorship this search term will work perfectly.
I’m going to use the search feature in my web browser to count how many occurrences of https://www occur in the yielded the search results. Since we know that each search result has only one search result URL at the top of each search result. This will allow us to determine the google rank our website has, relative to other results which appear first.(Mostly Fake Fact Checks By Reuters, Politifact, Snopes, and other Fact Checking Organizations known to be funded by Facebook) And as of December 10th, Have Been Outed As Nothing More Than Opinion Checkers. In A Lawsuit against Meta, more commonly known as Facebook.
Court documents revealed that Meta aka Facebook admits it’s fact checkers are nothing more than the opinions of the fact-checkers themselves.
Let’s Begin Our Comparative Analysis
OK as you can easily see I’ve typed in “Plandemic InDoctorNation – FACT CHECK!”
as our search term. Let’s see what results are yielded.
According to our search results google says there are about 21,200 results for this search phrase.
now let’s find out where our launch article ranks in these results.
and there we have it. Our Launch article is the 39th result listed. I’m sure you noticed all of the Facebook owned fact-checkers articles show up above everything else. This is by design. Thanks to something called Machine Learning Fairness(i will briefly go into what Machine Learning Fairness is following the comparative analysis).
Lets see what results yahoo shows for the same search phrase.
According to yahoo there are approximately 35,700 results for this search phrase.
Lets see what our Launch Article’s Yahoo Rank is for our key phrase
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
After Sifting through 16 pages of search results we found the first result for our website. It’s Yahoo rank is result 107. It should be noted that the result is actually for the home page. The first few paragraphs announce the launch of the Plandemic InDoctorNation – FACT CHECK! Launch Article in the text. It begs the question why didn’t the link for our actual Launch article show up?
Moving on to Bing.
There are 35,700 results for this search phrase on Bing
Let’s go through the results and see if our launch article is listed anywhere.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
After searching through several pages of search results. We found a result for the homepage on page 12 of the search results. Our Bing rank is result 114. Again No launch article link showed up in the results just like with yahoo.
Next up we have Duck Duck Go.
Duck Duck Go Does not show the total number of results for a given search phrase.
This is because they scrape search results from a few third party sources such as Bing.
Let’s Go Through and see if there is a result for our Launch Article or Website.
Our Duck Duck Go Ranking Is 157 found on Page 4 of the search results.
Finally we have Yandex
Lets See what search results yandex gives us.
Yandex says there are 4 million results yielded for our search phrase,
After going through 26 pages of search results
we were unable to find a result for our Launch Article Or Website.
Now let’s talk about what exactly Machine Learning Fairness is.
A Google Whistleblower By The Name of Zach Vorhies Said it best. Here’s that clip now.
Here are just some of the many documents Leaked by google whistle blower Zach Vorhies.
These in particular pertain to Machine Learning Fairness.
And last but not least we have an article From December 9th, 2021 Titled
“In court filing, Facebook admits ‘fact checks’ are nothing more than opinion”
Lets take a brief look at the sources and some of the documents.
This document is the court filing for the Defamation lawsuit By John Stossel. John Stossel VS Meta inc. aka Facebook. Filed 11/29/21
So what does this mean? Well it unequivocally Proves that Facebook Fact Checkers are nothing more than
what i like to call Facebook Faked Checkers. It is very clear now that Facebook and all other Tech Companies Complicit in this censorship Will face a reckoning.
Simply put No one will use these tech platforms. It’s a guaranteed recipe for going out of business. We The People Are Sick and Tired Of this Government Overreach. We Are Sick Of These Unnecessary and Tyrannical Mandates. At this point WE THE PEOPLE MUST GIVE NOTICE TO ALL COMPLICIT PARTIES GOVERNMENT AND OTHERWISE. If They Do Not Comply With The Wide Spread Public Consent On These Issues. Then We The People Have The Right To MODIFY OR ABOLISH WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE OUR SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT FOR THE PUBLIC GOOD OF THE PEOPLE. AND CREATE A NEW ONE. As Stated In The Declaration Of Independence.
That’s all for this weeks episode of Tips, Techniques, & Survival Traits.
Next week we’ll be doing a Special Christmas Episode. Until then take care fellow citizens of earth. And Remember BE VIGILANT!
That’s Our Episode for Today Saturday Dec. 18th, 2021
I Hope You Found This Weeks Episode of Tips, Techniques & Survival Traits. Titled Online Censorship Useful, Informative & Helpful. Next week we will have a special Christmas episode.